+1 347-783-0053


Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey of growth, collaboration, and innovation? Joining our team opens doors to endless opportunities and possibilities. Here, we believe in harnessing the power of collective talent to drive meaningful impact and create extraordinary results.

As a member of our team, you'll be part of a vibrant community where your ideas are not only welcomed but encouraged. We value diversity, creativity, and dedication, and we're committed to supporting your professional development every step of the way.

Come be a part of something extraordinary. Join us as we push boundaries, challenge norms, and shape the future together. Your journey starts here – welcome to our team!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey of growth, collaboration, and innovation? Joining our team opens doors to endless opportunities and possibilities. Here, we believe in harnessing the power of collective talent to drive meaningful impact and create extraordinary results.

As a member of our team, you'll be part of a vibrant community where your ideas are not only welcomed but encouraged. We value diversity, creativity, and dedication, and we're committed to supporting your professional development every step of the way.

Come be a part of something extraordinary. Join us as we push boundaries, challenge norms, and shape the future together. Your journey starts here – welcome to our team!

Applicant Information

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.


Previous Employment

Military Service


By affixing my signature, I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release.

Your Signature here.

Quality Control Statement

The purpose of this Quality Control Statement is to familiarize each of our employees with the policies and procedures of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC. All Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC employees are required to read and sign this statement and the attached Quality Control Plan. The management of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC strives for the highest degree of integrity and professionalism in the conduct of our business. Our policies are designed to lead to the highest quality loan origination and servicing. Management will consistently review its quality control procedures in order to improve them and to keep them current. Employee suggestions for improvement are solicited and encouraged. In the course of our business, we make many representations and warranties to our investors and others whom with we deal. Among them are:

• That all documentation in our files in complete and accurate as to the information within and contains no misleading information;

• That all information reported to us by the applicant has been completely and accurately represented in the file;

• That we have no knowledge of any adverse information concerning the applicant or any other aspect of the submitted file which is not reflected in any of the written documentation in that file;

• That all documents have been prepared, executed and delivered as required by law;

• That all signatures and initials are authorized and genuine;

• That all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations have been complied with, including but not limited to: the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Flood Disaster Protection Act, the Truth-in-Lending Act of 1968 and applicable rules and regulations set forth by FNMA.

The Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC 's Quality Control Plan is designed to ensure that that we meet all of our responsibilities in these and other areas. The integrity of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC in all aspects of its business is the responsibility of each and every employee. Your job with Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC will never be placed in jeopardy for following its Quality Control Plan or for reporting suspected violations. If questions or disagreements arise, you should immediately bring them to the attention of senior management for guidance. If you have knowledge of anyone or anything which is not in compliance with these policies, or which may otherwise jeopardize the integrity of this company, you must bring it to the attention of senior management immediately. Failure to comply with the principles of this statement and/or Federal Credit Union’s Quality Control Plan could result in immediate termination.

By affixing my signature, I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand this statement and agree to comply with it and the Capital Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC’s Quality Control Plan.

Your Signature here.


As a condition to my employment with Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"): I agree that:

1.     All inventions, ideas, and discoveries, whether or not patentable, conceived, or made by me (a) while in the employ of the Company or following termination of my employment, which relate to or constitute improvements on the Company's existing or contemplated products, components, ingredients, intermediates, formulae or data, or apparatuses, processes, techniques, or procedures employed in the production of same, or any improvements thereof, (b) during working hours, or (c) while utilizing facilities, materials, labor, or information of the Company, shall become the exclusive property of the Company.

2.     I will disclose promptly all such inventions, ideas, and discoveries to the Company, and on request of and at the expense of the Company will do all acts, sign all papers, make all rightful oaths, and give evidence and testimony necessary or desirable to perfect and maintain any patent assets and other rights on any or all such inventions, ideas, or

3.     I will assign, without further compensation to me but at the expense of the Company, my entire right, title, and interest in and to any and all such inventions, ideas, and discoveries to the Company.

4.     I will hold in secret, and not divulge to any non-Company personnel without first obtaining the express written authorization of the Company, private and proprietary information trade secrets, and know-how of both the Company and all customer proprietary information disclosed to the Company, which I may learn or comes into my possession through or in the course of my employment with the Company.

5.     Nothing herein will prevent me, after my employment terminates, from using skills and knowledge of general nature gained while I am employed by the Company.

I will perform services for Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC which may require Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC to disclose confidential and proprietary information ("Confidential Information") to me. (Confidential Information is any information of any kind, nature, or description concerning any matters affecting or relating to Employee's services for Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, the business or operations of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, and/or the products, drawings, plans, processes, or other data of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC. Accordingly, to protect the Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC Confidential Information that will be disclosed to me, I agree as follows:

1.     I will hold the Confidential Information received from Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC in strict confidence and shall exercise a reasonable degree of care to prevent disclosure to others.

2.     I will not disclose or divulge either directly or indirectly the Confidential Information to others unless first authorized to do so in writing by Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC.

3.     I will not reproduce the Confidential Information nor use this information commercially or for any purpose other than the performance of his/her duties for Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC.

4.     I will, upon the request or upon termination of my relationship with Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, deliver to Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC any drawings, notes, documents, equipment, and materials received from Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC or originating from its activities for Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC.

5.     Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC shall have the sole right to determine the treatment of any information that is part or project specific received from me, including the right to keep the same as a trade secret, to use and disclose the same without prior patent applications, to file copyright registrations in its own name or to follow any other procedure as Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC may deem appropriate.

6.     Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC reserves the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including termination for violations of this agreement. I represent and warrant that it is not under any preexisting obligations inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.

I acknowledge that Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC owns proprietary Confidential Information which constitutes a valuable, special, and unique asset of the company. While not appraised, I acknowledge that the value of the assets herein described is not less than $500,000. This Confidential Information has been compiled and developed by Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, and its affiliated businesses, over time at considerable expense and effort, has not been divulged to third parties, and is not known to Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC's competitors, who could obtain economic value from such information if it is/was divulged. As used herein, the term "Confidential Information" includes all information and materials belonging to, used by, or in the possession of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC and its affiliated businesses relating to their products, processes, services, technologies, inventions, patents, ideas, contracts, forms, records, data, financial information, business strategies, pricing, marketing plans, customer lists, and trade secrets of every kind and character, but shall not include (a) information that was already within the public domain at the time the information was acquired by myself, or (b) information that subsequently becomes public through no act or omission of my own doing. I agree that all Confidential Information is and shall continue to be the exclusive property of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, whether or not disclosed to or entrusted to my custody. It is therefore unconditionally acknowledged and agreed by the parties hereto that if I am terminated by Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, with or without cause, or if I terminate employment with Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, I will not engage in any endeavor that will compete with Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC in any manner whatsoever for a period of one ( 1) year from the date of this Agreement or any renewal thereof. Such Agreement not to compete will include areas within one hundred (100) miles of corporate headquarters and/or any satellite location of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC now or as may be established in the future. Should I violate the terms of this Agreement, not to compete with Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC then Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC may, at its option, file suit against me and seek a Temporary Restraining Order, Temporary Injunction, Permanent Injunction and/or Monetary Damages as well as any other relief to which it may be justly entitled at law or in equity, including attorney's fees and related costs. Except as Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC may otherwise consent to in writing, I will not, directly or indirectly, use, other than for the benefit of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, publish, or otherwise disclose, either in writing, orally or electronic form, at any time to any one, any of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC's Confidential Information, whether or not conceived, originated, discovered, or developed in whole or in part by myself. My obligation to preserve the secrecy of Confidential Information shall survive the termination of this Agreement and/or my employment with Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC. Upon termination of my employment, I agree to return to Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC all files, papers, and materials of any and every kind, regardless of form, which contain or relate to Confidential Information.

Your Signature here.


I understand and agree that my employer, Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, may deduct money from my pay from time to time for reasons that fall into the following categories:

·        my share of the premiums for the Company's group medical/dental plan;

·        any contributions I may make into a retirement or pension plan sponsored, controlled, or managed by CFCU

·        installment payments on loans or wage advances given to me by Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, and if there is a balance remaining when I leave Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, the balance of such loans or advances, as well as the administrative fee;

·        if I receive an overpayment of wages for any reason, repayment of such overpayments (the deduction for such a repayment will equal the entire amount of the overpayment, unless Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC and I agree in writing to a series of smaller deductions in specified amounts);

·        the cost to Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC of personal long- distance calls I may make, or messages I may send, using company phones (land lines or cell phones) or accounts, of personal faxes sent by me using company equipment or company accounts, or of non-work related access to the Internet or other computer networks by me using Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC equipment or accounts;

·        the cost of repairing or replacing any Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC supplies, materials, equipment, money, or other property that I may damage (other than normal wear and tear), lose, fail to return, or take without appropriate authorization during my employment (except in the case of misappropriation of money by me, I understand that no such deduction will take my pay below minimum wage;

·        administrative fees in connection with court-ordered garnishments or legally-required wage attachments of my pay, limited in extent to the amount or amounts allowed under applicable laws;

·        if I take paid vacation or sick leave in advance of the date I would normally be entitled to it and I separate from Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC before accruing time to cover such advance leave, the value of such leave taken in advance that is not so covered;

·        the value of any time off for absences to which paid leave is not applied

·        if my employer pays any insurance premiums or retirement system contributions ("payments") on my behalf that I would normally make under the applicable Company benefit plan, the amount of such payments made by the Company, such payments being an advance of future wages payable to me.



I agree that the Company may deduct money from my pay under the above circumstances, or if any of the above situations occur. I further understand that the Company has stated its intention to abide by all applicable federal and Texas wage and hour laws and that if I believe that any such law has not been followed, I have the right to file a wage claim with appropriate Texas and federal agencies

Your Signature Here.


It is the policy of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC that the workplace be free of illicit drugs and alcoholic beverages, and free of their use. In addition to damage to respiratory and immune systems, malnutrition, seizures, loss of brain function, liver damage, and kidney damage, the abuse of drugs and alcohol has been proven to impair the coordination, reaction time, emotional stability, and judgment of the user. This could have tragic consequences where demanding or stressful work situations call for quick and sound decisions to be made. Capital Fedeal Credit Union explicitly prohibits: The use, possession, solicitation for, or sale of narcotics or other illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription medication without a prescription on Company or customer premises or while performing an assignment. Being impaired or under the influence of legal or illegal drugs or alcohol away from CFCU or customer premises, if such impairment or influence adversely affects the employee's work performance, the safety of the employee or of others, or puts at risk our reputation. Possession, use, solicitation for, or sale of legal or illegal drugs or alcohol away from CFCU or customer premises, if such activity or involvement adversely affects the employee's work performance, the safety of the employee or of others, or puts at risk our reputation. The presence of any detectable amount of prohibited substances in the employee's system while at work, while on the premises of the company or its customers, or while on company business. "Prohibited substances" include illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription drugs not taken in accordance with a prescription given to the employee. Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC will conduct drug and/or alcohol testing under any of the following circumstances: • RANDOM TESTING: Employees may be selected at random for drug and/or alcohol testing at any interval determined by Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC. • FOR-CAUSE TESTING: Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC may ask an employee to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test at any time it feels that the employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, including, but not limited to, the following circumstances: evidence of drugs or alcohol on or about the employee's person or in the employee's vicinity, unusual conduct on the employee's part that suggests impairment or influence of drugs or alcohol. • POST-ACCIDENT TESTING: Any employee involved in an on-the-job accident or injury under circumstances that suggest possible use or influence of drugs or alcohol in the accident or injury event may be asked to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test. "Involved in an on-the-job accident or injury" means not only the one who was or could have been injured, but also any employee who potentially contributed to the accident or injury event in any way. If an employee is tested for drugs or alcohol outside of the employment context and the results indicate a violation of this policy, or if an employee refuses a request to submit to testing under this policy, the employee may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and possibly including discharge from employment. In such a case, the employee will be given an opportunity to explain the circumstances prior to any final employment action becoming effective.

Your Signature Here.



I hereby agree, upon a request made under the drug/alcohol testing policy of Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, to submit to a drug or alcohol test and to furnish a sample of my urine, breath, and/or blood for analysis. I understand and agree that if I at any time refuse to submit to a drug or alcohol test under company policy, or if I otherwise fail to cooperate with the testing procedures, I will be subject to immediate termination. I further authorize and give full permission to have Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC and/or its company physician send the specimen or specimens so collected to a laboratory for a screening test for the presence of any prohibited substances under the policy, and for the laboratory or other testing facility to release any and all documentation relating to such test to Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC and/or to any governmental entity involved in a legal proceeding or investigation connected with the test. Finally, I authorize Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC to disclose any documentation relating to such test to any governmental entity involved in a legal proceeding or investigation connected with the test. I understand that only duly-authorized Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC officers, employees, and agents will have access to information furnished or obtained in connection with the test; that they will maintain and protect the confidentiality of such information to the greatest extent possible; and that they will share such information only to the extent necessary to make employment decisions and to respond to inquiries or notices from government entities. I will hold harmless Rainmaker Marketing Consultants, LLC, its company physician, and any testing laboratory they might use, meaning that I will not sue or hold responsible such parties for any alleged harm to me that might result from such testing, including loss of employment or any other kind of adverse job action that might arise as a result of the drug or alcohol test, even if a RMCLLC or laboratory representative makes an error in the administration or analysis of the test or the reporting of the results. I will further hold harmless RMCLLC, its company physician, and any testing laboratory RMCLLC might use for any alleged harm to me that might result from the release or use of information or documentation relating to the drug or alcohol test, as long as the release or use of the information is within the scope of this policy and the procedures as explained in the paragraph above. This policy and authorization have been explained to me in a language I understand, and I have been told that if I have any questions about the test or the policy, they will be answered.



Your Signature Here.

Please attach a voided check for each bank account to which funds should be deposited.

By affixing my signature, I hereby authorize my employer to directly deposit my pay to the account listed above. This authorization will remain in effect until I modify or cancel it in writing.


Employment Eligibility Verification

Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Upload the filled-in I-9 form

Upload Identification Document

Upload 2nd Identification Document

Employee’s Withholding Certificate

Upload the filled-in W-4 form

Office: 4210 50th Street, Suite E

Lubbock, TX 79413

Call +1 347-783-0053

Copyright 2022 . All rights reserved.